5 May 2024

Question 6 (Ten Doubts about Pure Land)

by Tien Tai Patriarch Chih I
Translated by Master Thich Thien Tam

Although sentient beings, completely enmeshed in afflictions and evil views, may achieve rebirth in the Pure Land, they are bound to develop afflictions and perverse views constantly. Under these circumstances, how can they be said to have “transcended the Triple Realm and attained the stage of Non-Retrogression”?

Those who are reborn in the Pure Land, though they may be ordinary beings totally enmeshed in evil karma, cannot ever develop afflictions or perverse views, nor can they fail to achieve non-retrogression. This is due to five factors:

a) The power of the Buddha’s great, compassionate vow embraces and protects them;

b) The Buddha’s light (wisdom) always shines upon them and, therefore, the Bodhi Mind of these superior persons will always progress;

c) In the Western Pure Land, the birds, water, forests, trees, wind and music all preach the Dharma of “suffering, emptiness, impermanence and no-self”. Upon hearing this, practitioners begin to focus on the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha;

d) Those who are reborn in the Pure Land have the highest level Bodhisattvas as their companions and are free from all obstacles, calamities and evil conditions. Moreover there are no externalists or evil demons, so their Minds are always calm and still;

e) Once they are reborn in the Pure Land, their life span is inexhaustible, equal to that of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Thus, they can peacefully cultivate for countless eons.

As a result of these five causes and conditions, sentient beings who are reborn in the Pure Land will certainly achieve non-retrogression and will never develop afflictions or perverse views. Sentient beings in this world of the five turbidities, on the other hand, have short life spans and face a host of perverse conditions and obstructions. Therefore, they have great difficulty achieving non-retrogression. This truth is self-evident and beyond doubt.

related post:  Question 7(Ten Doubts about Pure Land)

Source Of Information:
《Pure Land Buddhism (Dialogues with Ancient Masters)》, by Tien Tai Patriarch Chih I, translated with annotations by Master Thich Thien Tam, printed and donated for free distribution by: The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation (11F, 55, Hang Chow South Road Sec 1, Taipei, Taiwan), printed in February 2023.
*** The information provided above does not contain personal opinion of this blog.

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