6 May 2024

Question 2 (Doubts and Questions about Pure Land)

by Elder Zen Master T'ien Ju

Question 2

I now understand the all-embracing yet simple nature of the Pure Land method. However, enlightened Zen Masters have said that “to see one’s nature is to achieve Buddhahood.” Why should we settle for rebirth in the Western Pure Land?


You ask such a question because you still do not understand. In fact, enlightened masters are the very ones who are urgently seeking rebirth. The ancients have said: “In which realm would one seek rebirth, if not the Pure Land?” From your question, I can see that you have not yet awakened to the Way — because, once you have, your aspiration for rebirth cannot be restrained, even by ten thousand buffaloes!

related post: Question 3 (Doubts and Questions about Pure Land)

Source Of Information:
《Pure Land Buddhism (Dialogues with Ancient Masters)》, by Elder Zen Master T'ien Ju, translated with annotations by Master Thich Thien Tam, printed and donated for free distribution by: The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation (11F, 55, Hang Chow South Road Sec 1, Taipei, Taiwan), printed in February 2023.
*** The information provided above does not contain personal opinion of this blog.

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