31 January 2025

Chapter Three: Five Areas Of Reincarnation Studies (Area Four: Studies Of Life In Different Dimensions)

The fourth area of reincarnation research involves the study of life in different dimensions. These might include ghosts, deities, and heavenly beings, or angels as they are called by Westerners. Those lives that cannot be seen by our naked eyes can all be classified as the lives of different dimensions. Science has developed methods to communicate with these beings.

Talking With Spirits By Radio - Proof Via Sound
A well-known Italian expert in this area, Dr. Marcello Bacci, began quite early in 1949 to use radio equipment to study the lives of those beings in different dimensions. Through decades of research, he found that by using an electron tube of radio equipment, he was able to hear and perfectly record the messages of these spirits. In some instances, he recorded entire conversations between the researchers and beings in the spirit realm.
Bacci's researchers were generally people who specialized in psychiatry and supernatural science and experts who communicate with beings in different dimensions. Besides them there also were experts in the field of radio and electronic equipment. Sometimes, Bacci's laboratory would have up to seventy people in it. In addition to these experts, Bacci's experiments attracted people who wished to communicate with the dead, including mothers of children who had died. These women were considered prime research subjects because they often had the best success in communicating with those spirits.
The experiments were typically conducted from seven to nine p.m. Bacci chose evening because the spirits are most active at night. For example, The Zhong Feng Thrice Yearning Ceremony* which many of you have participated in, is held in the afternoon and evening. The reason is to summon the spirits and demonstrate a good example for them, so as to help them become liberated.

Dr. Bacci usually set the radio equipment to seven to nine megahertz. In this frequency band, the laboratory could ensure no interference from any other electromagnetic signals like broadcasts, television, or mobile phones. Some normal static noise would appear initially, but after ten to twenty minutes, the static noise would disappear and would be followed by the sound of a gust of wind, as if the spirit had come with the wind.
And then Dr. Bacci would immediately call out with the radio, “My friends, we are here, where are you? Please speak.” After a while, he would hear a reply from the radio speaker: “I am coming.” As if they were guests who had arrived, the voices would then start to speak. Often, it was not a single spirit's voice but many voices. They started to talk to the people in the laboratory. Many of them were deceased children who came back to talk to their mothers. Each dialogue usually lasted three to four minutes. After the dialogue finished, the speaker would sound out a burst of singing, as if they sang a song and left. The radio speaker returned to its original static noise, and the
experiment was over.

The dialogue could be heard very genuinely and was also recorded. In one recording, a voice said, “Dear mother!” Obviously he was speaking to one of the mothers who participated in the laboratory. That spirit's name was Gregorio, an Italian name. The deceased child said to his mother, “Dear mother, don't be sad.” He comforted her. “One day you will eventually know our mystery. When you leave the body, you will find out that your soul has entered a different level of life.”
There were many more dialogues like this, which indicate that the voices were not static noise or other signals. Dr. Bacci conducted these experiments for decades, collecting an abundant amount of data.

*The Thrice Yearning Ceremony is based on The Amitabha Sutra to recite the Buddha's name of Amitabha. “Thrice” refers to reciting The Amitabha Sutra three times and yearning for Amitabha and His Pure Land to keep a continuous and uninterrupted pure mind.

The Most Sensational Experiment
Dr. Bacci's most successful experiment was conducted on the evening of December 5, 2004 in his Italian laboratory.
The experts who participated with Dr. Bacci came from Britain, Italy, and Portugal. These were well-known researchers who study supernatural phenomena. In this experiment, when they received the dialogue of these spiritual beings, they removed the recording device's electron tube — the tube that can receive the signals. This means if there were any radio signals, it would be impossible for them to be picked up. Yet Dr. Bacci's device still emanated the dialogue of the spirits as usual. This indicates that the sounds from beings in different dimensions do not rely on our technology. The dialogue was still recorded.
Afterward, more than thirty of the most famous senior professors published a joint report on this experiment. It created quite a stir by seeming to prove that there are indeed lives who exist in other dimensional spaces. But it begs the question:

       Why are those beings who live in different dimensions
       able to come when we summon them?

Summoning Deceased Spirits with Our Thoughts
Now that we have learned about Dharma, in fact, it should be easier to understand this. At the time we are calling these spirits, our mind is thinking of them, and the mind has a great power of attraction. The mind can compel these sentient beings to come over. When we are performing the ritual according to The Zhong Feng Thrice Yearning Ceremony or other religious rituals, the first thing we do is invite those deceased souls to come so they can dignify themselves in this solemn rite.
The summoning is very important — and when you think of deceased spirits, the power of your mind can call them over.
Now we know that even an ordinary sentient being can be drawn over, what if we are thinking of Amitabha? Amitabha has never stopped thinking of us — as Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva’s Preaching on Being Mindful of the Buddha states,

       The way of Amitabha thinking of us
       is like a mother mindful of her children.

Amitabha thinks of all beings with every thought, as if a mother missing her children; if we sentient beings think of Amitabha and recite His name, if we ask Amitabha to come to escort us, He will absolutely come. The compelling power of the mind is inconceivable! As such, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva said,

       If sentient beings
       are mindful of Amitabha
       and recite His name,
       they will certainly see Amitabha
       at the present time
       or in the future.

It will be certain that they will see Amitabha. This saying is extremely affirmative.

Many Scholars Have Studied Spiritual Life
Many scholars, in addition to Dr. Bacci, have studied spiritual life. Some of the more famous ones include:
1) Dr. David Fontana of the U.K., a professor of psychology at John Moores University in Liverpool, whose masterwork is about the study of spiritual life after death: Is There an Afterlife? A Comprehensive Overview of the Evidence (2005).
2) Dr. Ernst Senkowski of Germany, a physics professor at the University of Mainz of Science & Technology, whose masterwork is: Instrumental Transcommunication.
3) Dr. Felice Masi of Italy, the president of the Italian Spiritual Study Society, who is an expert in this field as well.

Some might ask, “Since science has developed the use of radio equipment to hear beings in different dimensions, can we also take pictures of beings in different dimensions?” This is, of course, more
difficult than capturing their voices — but it is possible.

A Ghastly Surprise In A Graveyard - Proof Via Image
In February of 2004, an Indian scholar visited an indigenous tribe on a forest reservation in India. This scholar planned to live with the tribe in order to understand better how they lived harmoniously with nature. The Indian scholar met a Japanese anthropology graduate student who also
planned to visit this tribe to gather information for his thesis. They went together and stayed peacefully with the tribe for several days.
The ancestors of this tribe live in a sacred graveyard where outsiders are not allowed to enter. But these two scholars did not know this. One day, while walking in the forest reservation, they accidentally entered the graveyard where the souls of this tribe's ancestors live. It was dusk at
that time. The Indian scholar took a photo of the Japanese student with a digital camera — but almost immediately, the Japanese student suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious. The worried Indian scholar rushed to ask the tribal elders for help. They hurried to the scene, suspecting this was the doing of their ancestors. The tribal elders must have encountered this many times before. They seemed very experienced. They chanted a mantra and then gave the fallen student some herbal medicine, and he recovered quickly.
Later, back at his own university, the Indian scholar began to download his photos from the trip to his computer. When he downloaded the picture he took at dusk, he broke out in a cold sweat. This picture clearly showed a spirit standing behind the Japanese student.

Of course, we can speculate that this spirit was the soul of the tribal ancestor. The student offended them, so one stood behind him and maybe also gave him a kick or hit and made him faint. Do not look for long at this photo, because it might cause you to lose sleep tonight.

98 Percent of the Universe Is Invisible to Our Naked Eyes
The digital camera, which can capture images that are unseen by our human eyes, has certain scientific applications. We know that the human eye can only detect 2 percent of the optical spectrum. We call this 2 percent “visible light”— lights with longer wavelengths like electromagnetic waves and infrared rays, and lights with shorter wavelengths such as ultraviolet and gamma rays — they cannot be seen by the naked human eye. In other words, humans can see only 2 percent of the entire universe with their eyes, while 98 percent of the universe is invisible to us. Since the photosensitivity of the camera is broader than the sensitivity of the human eye, the image of different dimensions can be captured on film even if an object cannot be seen by human eyes.
We know that X-rays can damage the photosensitivity of film negatives. If we put a film under an X-ray, the film can no longer record photos. Even though human eyes cannot see X-rays due to their shorter wavelength, we can see the effect of an X-ray; this proves the existence of X-rays. Digital cameras now use a photoreceptor that is a semiconductor, an array called a CCD. Each photosensitive particle, we call a pixel. There are cameras with five million pixels or seven million pixels. The higher the pixel count, the more clear the image, because it has more photosensitive particles. A digital camera can capture an even broader spectrum than film negatives can; it is used widely even in astronomical telescopes to photograph the rays of many other galaxies.
So the Indian scholar was able to capture the image of a spirit at dusk, a spirit unseen by human eyes. His high-pixel camera could capture this image because of technology that can be explained by scientific principles. Of course, there is not a great deal of research in this area, and we are still waiting for science to further develop and confirm our theories.
This fourth area of our discussion proves that reincarnation may also exist in many different forms of life, including in the form of a ghost or spirit. It is stated in Buddhism that we exist in an intermediate state for forty-nine days after death. During this period of time, the soul exists as a different form of life for a short term.

related post: Chapter Three: Five Areas Of Reincarnation Studies (Area Five: The Study Of Supernatural Power)

Source Of Information:
《The Scientific Proof Of Causal Reincarnation》, by Dr. Zhong Maosen (Venerable Ding Hong), translated by Mahayana Pureland Team, published by Mahayana Pureland Organization, distributed by: Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Amitabha Malaysia, 90 & 92, Jalan Pahang, Gombak, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.)
*** The information provided above does not contain personal opinion of this blog.

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