7 May 2024

Question 17 (Doubts and Questions about Pure Land)

by Elder Zen Master T'ien Ju

Question 17

I realize that without practicing the Pure Land method, it is difficult to be reborn. This is a certainty. However, why is it that depraved and evil common beings can also achieve rebirth at the time of death? I still do not understand this point and have some doubts. I wish, Master, that you would enlighten me on this issue.


[Rebirth of depraved, evil beings is taught in the Meditation Sutra.]
According to the Treatise on the Meditation Sutra, the rebirth of depraved, evil beings is due to their recitation of the Buddha’s name with utmost sincerity at the time of death, as this leads to the dissipation of karmic obstructions. Therefore, the Treatise suggests that Buddha Recitation is the most important condition for rebirth.
As far as I [Master T’ien Ju] am concerned, having studied the Pure Land sutras and commentaries, the conditions for the rebirth of such evil beings may be summarized under three headings.

1) Very strong Mind-power and utterly determined will, which allow the practitioner to overcome the evil karma of an entire lifetime by reciting the Buddha’s name for only a short time. This is called the Great Mind. This situation can be compared to that of a soldier surrounded by enemies ready to harm him. In such perilous circumstances, boldly risking his life, he musters his utmost power and strength and thus breaks out of encirclement.

2) Previous or current good karma. Although the person has created evil karma, he has also practiced samadhi during his current lifetime. Thus, at the time of death, when he is reminded by others, he easily achieves concentration. If the dying person has not cultivated samadhi in this lifetime, he must have done so assiduously in a previous life. That good seed has now come to maturity. Therefore, thanks to his previous good karma, once
he is counselled by a good spiritual advisor, he easily achieves rebirth with just ten thoughts of Amitabha Buddha at the time of death.

3) A Mind of utterly sincere repentance. If rebirth is not due to efforts at cultivation in this life nor good karma from previous lives, the cultivator, at the time of death, must have recited the Buddha’s name with a Mind of utterly sincere repentance. Thus, Elder Master Yung Ming has said:

   “Since the nature of causes and conditions is intrinsically empty, good or bad karma is not fixed. In determining the path of salvation or perdition, we should consider whether the state of Mind is lowly or transcendental [at the time of death]. This is analagous to an ounce of pure gold which is worth much more than a hundred times its weight in cotton wool, or a small, isolated flame, which can reduce a pile of straw, enormous   beyond reckoning, to ashes.”

It is due to i) one of these three causes and conditions, in addition to ii) the virtues of Amitabha Buddha’s name and iii) the power of His Vows, that even the depraved and evil can, at the time of death, overcome the immense weight of their transgressions and be reborn in the Western Pure Land.

related post:  Question 18 (Doubts and Questions about Pure Land)

Source Of Information:
《Pure Land Buddhism (Dialogues with Ancient Masters)》, by Elder Zen Master T'ien Ju, translated with annotations by Master Thich Thien Tam, printed and donated for free distribution by: The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation (11F, 55, Hang Chow South Road Sec 1, Taipei, Taiwan), printed in February 2023.
*** The information provided above does not contain personal opinion of this blog.

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