6 February 2025

I Resolve

               I resolve not to kill.
           Instead, I will respect and
         have compassion for all beings.

              I resolve not to steal.
Instead, before taking or using anything belonging
  to another, I will ask the owner's permission.

  I resolve not to engage in sexual misconduct,
            or any sensory indulgence.
         Instead, I will develop the mind
            of self-restraint and purity.

        I resolve not to use false speech.
 Instead, I will speak the truth in a wise way and
                  at the right time.

       I resolve not to use harsh speech.
           Instead, I will speak words
      that benefit others and foster peace.

     I resolve not to use divisive speech.
   Instead, I will speak words that foster
        harmony and understanding.

    I resolve not to use enticing speech.
             Instead, I will speak
           sincerely and truthfully.

       I resolve to refrain from greed.
      Instead, I will open my heart and
               practice giving.

       I resolve to refrain from anger.
     Instead, I will develop patience and
the compassion to see the suffering of others.

     I resolve to refrain from ignorance.
    Instead, I will discipline myself and
calm my mind so that I can act from wisdom.

       May the merits and virtues
     accrued from this work adorn
       the Buddha's Pure Land,
repay the Four Kinds of Kindness above,
   and relieve the sufferings of those
       in the Three Paths below.

  May those who see and hear of this
         bring forth the mind
   of understanding and compassion,
       and at the end of this life,
           be born together
     in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Source Of Information:
《Going Home To The Pure Land》, by Venerable Wuling, translated by J.C.Cleary, published by Pure Land College Press in 2010, distributed by: Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddha Amitabha Malaysia, 90 & 92, Jalan Pahang, Gombak, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.)
*** The information provided above does not contain personal opinion of this blog.

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