7 May 2024

Questin 10 (Doubts and Questions about Pure Land)

by Elder Zen Master T'ien Ju

Question 10

The Western Pure Land is only a “Common Land of beings and saints,” not a “Land of True Reward.” Why was it said in the previous question that some sentient beings are born in the Land of True Reward and see the True Nature of the Tathagata?


Do not think that there is a Land of True Reward, which exists separately, outside the Land of Common Residence! [See middle of Question 4.] You should know that the three other Lands [Lands of Expediency, True Reward, Eternally Tranquil Light] cannot exist separate and apart from the Land of Common Residence — the difference lies only in the physical attributes (bodies), the environment and the “quality of life.” As it is said in the sutras, “Amitabha’s body is immensely tall.” The ancients have commented that this refers to the Reward Body.

Not only does the Western Pure Land encompass four unequal “Lands,” the same is true of other realms. Therefore, an Ancient Master has said:

   “This very Saha World contains all four Lands in their entirety. Thus, during the Buddha’s lifetime, the Ocean-Wide Avatamsaka Assembly did not “leave” the Jeta Grove in India, yet great Arhats did not hear, see or know about it.”

related post:  Question 11 (Doubts and Questions about Pure Land)

Source Of Information:
《Pure Land Buddhism (Dialogues with Ancient Masters)》, by Elder Zen Master T'ien Ju, translated with annotations by Master Thich Thien Tam, printed and donated for free distribution by: The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation (11F, 55, Hang Chow South Road Sec 1, Taipei, Taiwan), printed in February 2023.
*** The information provided above does not contain personal opinion of this blog. 

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