5 May 2024

Preface to the Third Edition

Buddhism, as a major religion and a way of life, is the subject of numerous books and commentaries. Yet the kernel of its teachings can be expressed in two major concepts: purity of Mind and practice.
Traditional Pure Land teachings emphasize the three elements of Faith, Vows and Practice (Buddha Recitation) as he essential conditions for rebirth in the Pure Land — in the Pure Mind. This approach is presented as the easiest, most expedient path for the majority of people in this day and age.
These teachings are in harmony with other Pure Land traditions, such as Jodo Shinshu, in which shinjin, Faith, is
ultimately defined as Mind — the Prue Mind, encompassing Vows and Practice (Sanshin Isshin).
Pure Land is also in line with Zen, which sees all teachings as expedients, “fingers pointing to the moon” — the moon being the True Mind, the Mind of Thusness, always bright, pure and unchanging.
In the same vein, the Dhammapada Sutra, a key text of the Theravada School, summarizes the teachings of the Buddha with the words: “Do not what is evil. Do what is good. Keep your Mind pure.
Yet, purity of Mind cannot be achieved by study and verbalization alone. It can be attained only through determined practice.

There is a story concerning the famous Chinese official and poet Po Chu-i which illustrates this point. One day, the official, passing along the road, saw a Zen monk seated on the branch of a tree preaching the Dharma. The following dialogue ensued:

Official: “Old man, what are you doing in that tree, in such a precarious position? One misstep, and you will fall to your death!”
Monk: “I dare say, Your Lordship, that your own position is even more precarious. If I make a misstep, I alone may be killed; if you make a misstep, it can cost the lives of thousands.”
Official: “Not a bad reply. I’ll tell you what. If you can explain the essence of Buddhism to me in one sentence, I’ll become your disciple. Otherwise, we will go our separate ways, never to meet again.”
Monk: “What an easy question! Listen! The essence of Buddhism is to do no evil, do what is good, and keep your Mind pure.”
Official: “Is that all there is to it? Even a child of eight realizes that!”
Monk: “True, a child of eight may realize it, but, even a man of eighty cannot practice it!”

Buddhism is Mind, Buddhism is practice — it is praxis.

related post:  Introduction: The Pure Land School

Source Of Information:
《Pure Land Buddhism (Dialogues with Ancient Masters)》, by Tien Tai Patriarch Chih I, translated with annotations by Master Thich Thien Tam, printed and donated for free distribution by: The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation (11F, 55, Hang Chow South Road Sec 1, Taipei, Taiwan), printed in February 2023.
*** The information provided above does not contain personal opinion of this blog.

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