19 April 2024

Table of Contents [Letters from Patriarch Yin Kuang (PURE-LAND ZEN ZEN PURE-LAND)]

The Pure Land Tradition

Letters from Patriarch Yin Kuang
Letter 1 (Turn Afflictions into Bodhi)
Letter 2 (A Pure Mind in a Pure Land)
Letter 3 (The True Mark Vehicle has no Marks)
Letter 4 (The Jewelled Net of Indra)
Letter 5 (The Ten Thousand Dharmas have no True Nature)
Letter 6
(Faith, Vows and Practice)
Letter 7 (The Brahma Net Sutra and the Precepts)
Letter 8 (Let Us Part Ways)
Letter 9 (Amitabha Buddha – Boundless Self-Nature of Light and Life)
Letter 10 (The Pure Mind is Bodhi)
Letter 11 (Awakening is Still within the Realm of Birth and Death)
Letter 12 (Pure Land and Mind-Only)
Letter 13 (Open Letter to Cultivators)
Letter 14 (All Conditioned Dharmas are Like Dreams, Phantoms, Bubbles, Shadows!)
Letter 15 (A Little Bit of Knowledge is Ignorance)
Letter 16
(Bodhisattvas Fear Causes, Sentient Beings Fear Results)
Letter 17 (The Five Skandas are All Empty!)
Letter 18 (Buddha Recitation and Mantras)
Letter 19 (Mind-Only Pure Land)
Letter 20 (Do Not Mistake a Thief for Your Son!)
Letter 21
(Buddhism and the Tao)
Letter 22 (Cultivate, Do Not Verbalize!)
Letter 23 (This Mind is the Buddha)
Letter 24 (The Bodhi Mind)
Letter 25 (Self-power/Other-power)

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